Sunday, February 5, 2017

Big City Botany, Blog #1

Big City Botany
Plant resilience and adjusting to urban life
As of 2008, over half of the world’s population lives in cities. Never before in the history of our species has this occurred, because the bulk of the world’s population has lived in rural areas, farming, raising cattle, and providing for their immediate needs. Now, though, this trend of urbanization is only going to increase in the coming decades.

As more people move into cities, and as cities spread farther out and build higher up, they encroach on the territories of plants, fungi, and other (non-human) animals. Along with this encroachment comes a new, ‘hot’ area of study: urban ecology. When one envisions ecological study, one often pictures scientists—pens and notebooks in hand—trudging through a densely-packed, dimly-lit jungle looking for samples to collect in order to gather data relevant to their respective academic interests. One does not imagine a scientist scouring through concrete jungles, such as New York City or Shanghai. However, this is (more or less) what urban ecologists do. Because cities continue to spill into the areas in their periphery, many organisms are eradicated as construction destroys their homes and food supplies; however, many either become trapped in little pockets of nature (such as in parks) or adjust to living in and around areas heavily modified by humans—and some species even thrive in these environments (think of the New York City subway rat or pigeon).

Often somewhat overlooked are plants in these areas, since the biological sciences are largely animal-biased; admittedly, I am in the same boat, as my interest is in urban Herpetology, the study of reptiles and amphibians in urban environments. Plants can be some of the most resilient organisms on the planet, however, and their importance cannot be understated: they, along with other photosynthetic organisms, are responsible for the continuity of animal life on earth, and we (along with all other animals) would surely die without them. A testament to their resilience in this day and age is their ability to adapt to heavily modified environments as humans continue to wreak havoc on the natural world. Plants must conquer a variety of issues that are associated with living in urban areas, from dealing with life in the shadows of skyscrapers to finding enough nutrients in soils that are often fairly infertile and heavily polluted—among other issues. And yet, cities are still fairly inundated with plants, whether they be in a large park, or lining the sides of streets. So, what strategies have plants come up with in order to deal with these sorts of situations? What have they done to adapt to urbanization? These are big questions, and there are many answers; let’s talk about a few.

For one, the species of flora in a city are not exclusively the ones native to that area. Humans directly or indirectly introducing non-native species to areas has caused some serious problems, because non-native species can oftentimes out-compete native species for resources. This appears to be a trend in urban areas, too. Many studies have found that, while biodiversity has decreased in urban areas relative to rural areas, species richness tends to increase in cities (McKinney 2008; Pautasso 2007). Urban and suburban areas have also been central to the spread of non-native species (Duguay et al. 2007). See the figure below this section for a bit of data on the trend showing non-natives becoming more predominant in cities (Godefroid 2001). Without going into much detail—as the focus of this blog entry will be on plants and how they have adapted to urban environments—it is important to note that, while species richness appears to increase, we must not take that as a sign that native plants are doing particularly well in the urban environment; rather, the increase in non-natives is offsetting the losses of the natives (Dolan et al. 2011).
Figure 1: shows the change in numbers of native and alien species in Brussels, Belgium from two different time periods (Godefroid 2001).
An interesting phenomenon that occurs in cities is something called the ‘urban heat island effect’: when a city is much warmer than its surrounding areas due to human influence. It is caused by the replacement of soil and plants with concrete, asphalt, and other materials used for roads, buildings, sidewalks, and so forth. These human-built structures absorb light energy, rather than reflecting it, which causes large cites to heat up to a higher temperature than the surrounding rural areas. Plants must deal with these higher temperatures if they are to adjust to living in urban areas. One aspect of a plant’s life can be greatly affected by this increase in heat, and that is its phenology, or the timing of an organism’s life cycle events—such as the timing of when a tree flowers or when a tadpole goes through metamorphosis. In the case of some plants, the heat island effect seems to have worked in their favor in the form of extended growing seasons due in large part to increased air temperature (Menzel & Fabian 1999). This increase in temperature allows some plants to start growing earlier and to continue growing when they would normally halt growth due to decreasing temperatures as the seasons progressed (Lu et al. 2006; Neil et al. 2010). This is one unexpected example of how urbanization, at least by increasing ambient temperature, has actually helped some plant species. Along with this comes some not-so-obvious consequences, such as the relatively innocuous consequence of extended allergy seasons (Neil & Wu 2006), but there are likely others that have not been brought into the light just yet. One possible solution to the issue of the urban heat island effect is implementation of so-called ‘green roofs’. These are roofs that have been covered completely or partially by plants and soil in order to create green gaps in an otherwise grey, concrete-dominated jungle of rooftops. Another way is to simply paint surfaces in white or other colors that are lighter; this will aid in reflecting more sunlight.

Another problem that plants must face is soil pollution. Soils in heavily-urbanized areas are poor and heavily polluted by heavy metals (Möller et al. 2005; Wilcke et al. 1998); they are also more hydrophobic—they tend to collect water on their surface, rather than absorbing it—and acidic than rural soils (Pouyat et al. 1995). Plants normally need nutrient-rich soils to grow properly, and they are often severely limited by these nutrients. Many plants also rely on nitrogen-fixing bacteria in order to attain nitrogen, which is not only incredibly limited to plants, but also essential in the production of proteins and chlorophyll. Soils in urban areas are very poor in these limiting nutrients, so it is difficult to imagine plants that are doing exceedingly well in these areas, despite the environmental pollutants that they are exposed to. However, many plants can and do exist in these soils. Surprisingly, we see the emergence of a recurring theme: non-native species, more so than their native counterparts, tend to be more tolerant of these more harsh conditions (Godefroid 2001). It is not yet clear how exactly plants have adapted to living in such unfriendly conditions, but this is definitely an interesting area of research. The need for conservation in the coming decades will make this sort of research incredibly valuable in helping to preserve the native species that inhabit cities—those of which may be unable to adapt fast enough to changes brought about by anthropogenic climate change and continuing urbanization.

In order to become a more informed citizen in the coming years, as science denial permeates the political and social realm, it is a good idea to understand the impact we have on the species with whom we share this planet. They, like us, require homes and resources, and our increasing need for land, as we continue to increase our numbers and as we continue to become more urbanized, will ultimately compromise their livelihood. The most pragmatic solutions will need to be implemented in order to alleviate the harm we cause this planet. Since the bulk of our discussion started with our leafy cousins, it is prudent to end the discussion with them, too. That being said, plants face many challenges as we continue to push them to their limits in the urban jungle; challenges like invasive species, the urban heat island effect, and poor soil conditions will likely continue to grow in severity if nothing is done. And these are, by no means, the only challenges plants face—more are included in the figure below, which shows changes in conditions on a rural-urban gradient (Johnson et al. 2015). But innovative people are continuing to fight these issues by implementing their ideas and becoming more aware of the problems faced by organisms other than ourselves.
Figure 2: shows biotic and abiotic changes on a rural to urban gradient (Johnson et al. 2015).

Works Cited

Dolan, Rebecca W., Marcia E. Moore, and Jessica D. Stephens. "Documenting effects of urbanization on flora using herbarium records." Journal of Ecology 99.4 (2011): 1055-1062.

Duguay, Stéphanie, Felix Eigenbrod, and Lenore Fahrig. "Effects of surrounding urbanization on   non-native flora in small forest patches." Landscape Ecology 22.4 (2007): 589-599.

Godefroid, Sandrine. "Temporal analysis of the Brussels flora as indicator for changing environmental quality." Landscape and Urban planning 52.4 (2001): 203-224.

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